ETS/Theodore Tutorials

Process Synthesis and Design
A Self-Instructional Problem Workbook

David Kauffman
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM

Published by ETS Professional Training Institute
© 1992 Louis Theodore. 254 pages. ISBN 1-882767-08-X.

Table of Contents

Basic Operations
Process Synthesis

Known Processes · New Processes

Process Economics
Capital Costs · Operating Costs · Overall Economics

Flow Sheets
Block Diagrams · Process Flow Sheets · Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

Continuous and Batch Operations
Continuous Operations · Batch Operations

Material and Energy Balances
Once-through Systems · Recycle Systems

Short-cut Equipment Design Methods
Liquid Handling · Gas Handling · Solids Handling · Heating and Cooling · Chemical
Reactions · Separations

Materials of Construction
Strength of Materials · Corrosion · Comparative Costs

Utility Systems
Steam Systems · Cooling Water · Other Utilities

Shipping and Storage
Shipping Facilities · Tank Farms

Plant Layout
Process Flow Approach · Common Equipment Approach

Process Control and Instrumentation
Instrumentation and Measurement · Control Loops · Alarms and Trips · Computer Control

Plant Reliability
Safety Factors in Design · Redundancy in Design

Plant Safety
Fire and Explosion Hazards · Toxic Materials Hazards · Plant Safety Analyses · Operating Procedures

Worker Health and Safety
Protective Equipment · Training · Operating Procedures

Environmental Controls
Air Emissions · Toxic Air Emissions · Water Pollution Control · Solid Waste · Hazardous Waste

Process Synthesis and Selection (PSS)
PSS 1: Scale-up of a Lab Process: Sulfur Removal from Oil
PSS 2: Scale-up of an Existing Process: Ethanol Synthesis
PSS 3: Batch vs. Continuous Processing: Lube Oil Refining
PSS 4: Material Balance, Once Through: BTX Separations
PSS 5: Material Balance with Recycle: Toluene Disproportionation
PSS 6: Energy Balance: Manufacture of Ammonia
PSS 7: Material Balance: Accounting for By-Products

Process Economics (PE)
PE 1: Capital Cost Estimation: Heat Exchanger
PE 2: Operating Cost Estimation: Pump
PE 3: Simple Process Comparison: Ethylene Oxide Manufacture, Air vs. Oxygen
PE 4: Economic Equipment Selection: Pumps
PE 5: Economic Process Selection: Heat Exchange

Short-Cut Equipment Design Methods (SCD)
SCD 1: Pump Specification
SCD 2: Compressor Specification
SCD 3: Heat Exchanger Sizing
SCD 4: Distillation Column Sizing
SCD 5: Liquid-Vapor Separator Design
SCD 6: Storage Tank Design

The Overall Process Plant (OPP)
OPP 1: Steam Distribution
OPP 2: Cooling Tower Operation
OPP 3: Maximum Flare System Capacity
OPP 4: Heat Exchanger Networks
OPP 5: Storage Requirements for a Chemical Plant

Process Control (PC)
PC 1: Instrument Accuracy and Precision: Flow Measurement
PC 2: Temperature Measurement: Use as Indirect Composition Measurement
PC 3: Trip and Alarm Logic
PC 4: Control Stability: Heat Exchanger

Process Hazards (PH)
PH 1: Estimating Air missions: Tank Filling
PH 2: Estimating Effect of Worst-Case Explosion
PH 3: Estimating Energy of an Explosion from Damage Assessment
PH 4: Fire Water Requirements to Cool a Tank
PH 5: Maintenance Problem: Purging a Vessel to Permit Entry

Process Reliability and Safety (PRS)
PRS 1: Fault Tree Analysis: Constructing a Fault Tree for Rupture of a Reactor
PRS 2: Fault Tree Analysis: Calculating Overall Event Probability
PRS 3: HAZOP Applied to a Tank Car Loading Facility

Solutions to Problems

Appendix: SI Units and Conversion Factors

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